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An official website of the United States government

Open Data Program

Open Data

Open Data Portal

Discover high-quality, public information from all city departments, along with simple yet powerful tools for data analysis. We've made this data freely available to everyone—residents, businesses, and other groups—to foster transparency, encourage community engagement, and stimulate innovation, all while prioritizing your privacy and data security. Enjoy exploring, learning, and creating with Cambridge Open Data!

Project Showcase

Applications and analyses made with Cambridge government data

Coming Up

Tips and FAQs

Data created and maintained by the City of Cambridge is a public good and should be released to and leveraged in service of Cambridge’s residents, businesses, and institutions. Cambridge’s Open Data Program is a set of systems, technologies, and policies for maximizing the value of Cambridge’s data while simultaneously maintaining the highest possible degree of protection for privacy and security.

The open data program increases the value of city data by:

  • Releasing data in service of transparency and community engagement, so that residents understand what their city is doing.
  • Enabling city staff and the public to use the data in analyses and software applications that help Cambridge deliver services more efficiently.
  • Providing businesses and other organizations with relevant data at no cost, so that Cambridge continues to maintain a thriving local economy.
  • Removing silos between city departments, thereby fostering data-sharing and enabling efficiency improvements for city service delivery.
Contact Us

How can we help?

Please provide as much detail below as possible so City staff can respond to your inquiry:

As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. Any information received through use of this site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper.

Read our complete privacy statement

Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.