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Police Review & Advisory Board

The Police Review & Advisory Board provides a prompt, impartial and fair investigation of complaints brought by individuals against members of the Cambridge Police Department. The Police Review & Advisory Board was established by Cambridge City Ordinance in 1984 to:

  • Provide for citizen participation in reviewing Police Department policies, practices, and procedures;
  • Provide a prompt, impartial and fair investigation of complaints brought by individuals against members of the Cambridge Police Department; and
  • Develop programs and strategies to promote positive police/community relations and to provide opportunities for expanded discussions, improved understanding, and innovative ways of resolving differences.

File an Online Complaint Here

Tips and FAQs

Complaints can be filed with the staff of the Police Review & Advisory Board online. To file in person, by email, by mail, or by telephone (617.349.6155) you will complete a complaint form to describe what happened and your specific complaint. Complaints must be filed within 60 days of the incident. Staff is happy to assist with this process, including translation services.

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