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Outdoor dinning

Alcohol License

License Commission

There are two major categories for annual alcohol licenses: retail on-premise consumption (G. L. c. 138, § 12) and retail off-premise consumption (G. L. c. 138, § 15).  Annual alcohol licenses have to be approved first by the Board of License Commissioners and then by the State's Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission.  Therefore, the process for a new or transfer of an alcohol license can take a minimum of eight weeks.

Types of On-Premise Consumption Alcohol Licenses:

            All Alcohol Beverages with Common Victualler

            General on Premise All Alcohol Beverages

            Malt Beverages with Common Victualler

            General on Premise Malt Beverages

            Malt and Wine Beverages with Common Victualler

            General on Premise Malt and Wine Beverages

            Malt, Wine and Liqueurs with Common Victualler

            General on Premise Malt, Wine and Liqueurs

Types of Off-Premise Consumption Alcohol Licenses:

            All Alcohol Beverages

            Malt & Wine Beverages

Any individual or any corporation, LLC or partnership which meets the statutory criteria set forth in G. L. c. 138 may apply for an annual liquor license.  License applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be granted if all statutory, state, local and legal requirements are met. 

NOTE:  All applications for a new or transfer of a liquor license must also be filed online with City of Cambridge and on paper with the State Alcohol Beverages Control Commission. One copy of the the ABCC retail application must be uploaded to the pending application with the City of Cambridge License Commission  and we will forward it to the state if approved by the board. Please visit the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) Website to complete the application and for additional information. If seeking an Entertainment License, you should do so simultaneously with the Alcohol License to be heard during the same public hearing.  Please email License@cambridgema.gov or contact us at 617-349-6140 to obtain additional forms and instructions on how to file.

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Page was last modified on 3/10/2025 10:49 AM
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