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Cambridge Women's Commission Regular Meeting


Virtual Meeting

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Kimberly Sansoucy
Executive Director


Register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Minutes of prior meetings are posted here.

About Cambridge Women's Commission
The Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW) works to promote equity for all women and girls and advocates on their behalf with other City departments, officials, and local organizations to increase their opportunities through policy and program development and recommendations and build public awareness in key issue areas identified by the Commission as significantly affecting women and girls.

The Cambridge Women’s Commission recognizes, supports, and advocates for all who self-identify as women or with womanhood, including transgender, gender fluid, and non-binary persons. We stand with and for all women and girls regardless of immigration status, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability or religion.

Visit CCSW Webpage: Cambridgema.gov/women

Page was posted on 2/7/2022 10:36 AM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 10:13 PM
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