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Cambridge Seeks to Build a Foundation of Antiracism, Equity, and Inclusion

Monday, June 26, 2023

In FY24, the City will increased funding for antiracism, equity, and inclusion programs to $6.2 million compared to $5.7 million in FY23. The goal of these programs is to build a community where equity is the foundation and inclusion is represented in our intentional actions.

The City Manager, department leaders, and City employees will collaborate to shape a government and City where every resident has the necessary resources and services to thrive. The City is focused on internal efforts that will cultivate an environment of trust and belonging, develop inclusive community engagement practices, and apply an antiracism, equity, and inclusion lens to how we make decisions, policies, and business practices.

These efforts make up the Cambridge strategy for antiracism, equity, and inclusion. This strategy aims to promote racial equity, reduce disparities, and create positive outcomes for residents and employees by addressing the historical factors that have fueled inequity and exclusion, such as systemic racism and other forms of oppression.

Moving into FY24, the City administration is renewing and expanding its commitment to this work. The Equity and Inclusion team is growing under our new Chief of Equity and Inclusion to ensure that the City has the capacity to develop effective equity and inclusion strategies, contribute to policy development, and improve service delivery.

Key Work for FY24

The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) will leverage a strategic equity and inclusion framework to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across the City workplace and community by:

  • Increasing awareness and optimization of equity and inclusion across all aspects of City workforce engagement and City services including:
    • Collaborating with the City’s ADA Coordinator and the Human Resources Department to establish a City Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodation policy, implementation process, and measures.
    • Working with City community engagement partners to design training and resources to develop the community engagement skills and competencies of City employees.
  • Supporting employees and building an internal culture of trust and accountability:
    • Establishing a discrimination, harassment, and retaliation policy and supporting complaint and investigations process.
    • Providing timely, fair, and objective responses to employee complaints and concerns of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.
  • Building and reinforcing best practices around antiracism, equity, and inclusion in the City’s recruitment, hiring, and promotions process:
    • Deepening its collaboration with the Human Resources Department, department stakeholders, and external partners.
    • Providing baselines and goals through a regular data reporting and analysis process.
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