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About The City Council

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The City Council, the policy setting arm of the City, derives its powers from the City Charter and the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The City Council authorizes public improvements and expenditures, adopts regulations and ordinances, establishes financial policies, and performs many related legislative tasks.

2022-2023 City Council Members:
Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui
Vice Mayor Alanna M. Mallon
City Councillor Burhan Azeem
City Councillor Dennis J. Carlone
City Councillor Marc C. McGovern
City Councillor Patricia M. Nolan
City Councillor E. Denise Simmons
City Councillor Paul F. Toner
City Councillor Quinton Y. Zondervan.

Every two years, the City Council is elected at-large by the proportional representation electoral process. The City Council elects a Mayor and a Vice Mayor.

In FY22, the City Council led processes to appoint a new City Manager, new City Clerk, and new City Auditor, the three positions for which they have appointing authority.

City Council Goals:
Goal 1: Increase access to affordable housing for all income groups.
Goal 2: Ensure that Cambridge offers economic and educational opportunity to all.
Goal 3: Deepen our commitment to sustainable use of energy and strengthen our capacity for resilience.
Goal 4: Expand and deepen community engagement.
Goal 5: Develop more proactive, inclusive, and transparent City planning processes.
Goal 6: Make it easy to move safely through the City, especially by sustainable modes of transportation.
Goal 7: Increase opportunities for all residents to enjoy the City’s open spaces.
Goal 8: Ensure that Cambridge remains an Innovation Hub that integrates businesses of all sizes into a thriving ecosystem.
Goal 9: Improve Council’s capacity to collaborate more effectively, make better decisions, and increase its accountability to the public.
Goal 10: Ensure City’s budget allocates resources responsibly and responsively.
Goal 11: Ensure Public Safety efforts reflect current and emerging challenges and opportunities in a way that incorporates Cambridge’s core values.
Goal 12: Eliminate Bias within the City workplace and wider community.

Learn more at CambridgeMA.Gov/CityCouncil.

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