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Disability Parking signs on the street

Request a Disability Parking Space

Traffic, Parking, and Transportation

Cambridge residents who have a disability plate or placard may file an application for a disability space adjacent to their homes. 

Any disabled person may park in any disability parking space in Cambridge as long as a disability plate, disability placard, or Cambridge Temporary Disability Parking Permit is displayed.


In order to be eligible:

  • You must have a disability plate or placard
  • You or someone in your household must own a vehicle

You must:

  • Provide your contact information
  • License plate information for the vehicle registered to your household
  • If you own your home, you must confirm that no off-street parking is available or provide more information about why the off-street parking does not meet your needs
  • If you do not own your home, you must:
    • Provide the homeowner's contact information
    • Provide a written statement from the homeowner stating that no off-street parking is available or giving details about more information about why the off-street parking does not meet your needs

Submit Your Application

Use our online form to submit your application. Alternatively you may download and print the paper application. If you would like us to mail you the paper application, contact us.

Review Process

Once you submit your application we will:

  • Review your information to confirm that you are eligible for a disability parking space
  • Consider:
    • The availability of off-street parking
    • How frequently this space will be used
    • Whether or not the requested location presents a hazard to other people; for example: we cannot install disability parking spaces in locations where there is not otherwise parking, so we may need to put the space across the street
  • Contact you once your application is approved or if we need more information
  • Install the signs 3 to 4 weeks after your application is approved
Page was last modified on 7/9/2024 12:51 PM
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