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Achi Math Game

Achi Math Game

Ages 8 - 13

Achi is a game played by the Asante people of Ghana that is similar to tic-tac-toe, but tic-tac-toe ends when all the pieces have been placed; instead, Achi continues. Let's play!

Your Math Challenge: Can you get your three counters in a row? Play against a friend and see if you can reason and strategize by thinking ahead to win this game!

Download the Achi Activity Sheet (PDF)

Thank you to MathTalk for sharing this activity!
This activity supports the practice of these STEAM Habits of the Mind: Develop Craft, Engage and Persist, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore.


This game is played like tic-tac-toe. Each player has four counters. (If you don't have any game counters at home, you can use small objects like pennies or nickels as counters.)

  1. Taking turns, each player places one counter on a circle
  2. If three counters on one color are in a row, that player calls out "Achi!" and wins the round.
  3. If both players have played all of their pieces and no one has won, then players take turns sliding a counter on a line to the empty circle.
  4. When a player makes a line of three of his/her counters by sliding, that player calls out "Achi!" and wins the round.

Tips for Supporting Your Children's Learning

Get your child actively involved in their own learning and have their questions drive their learning. Let them observe and figure it out, and try to hold back from answering questions for them. Instead, try to ask: What do we know? What else can we find out? How might we figure that out? Don't be afraid to ask your child questions. Also, don't be afraid to say, "I don't know--let's find out together!" as a way to respond to their questions.

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