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Planning Topic
Core Values
Action Type
Lead Department
Action Status
Housing Encourage affordable housing production for low, moderate, and middle income households through regulatory and zoning incentives. Modify the development approval process for fully affordable housing projects to require design review instead of a discretionary approval.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Housing Encourage affordable housing production for low, moderate, and middle income households through regulatory and zoning incentives. Offer density bonuses and relief from other dimensional regulations for fully affordable housing developments through a citywide affordable housing overlay or other regulatory mechanism.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Economy Incentivize the creation and preservation of affordable commercial space. Revise the commercial land use classification to allow for flexible retail formats and business models. Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Develop a policy to allocate space within public rights-of-way to balance cars with sustainable modes of transportation.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Completed
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Develop an implementation plan and increase funding to complete gaps in the Bicycle Network Plan to create a completely connected network of high-quality infrastructure citywide.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD Completed
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Require vehicles owned by the City and companies contracted with the City to have truck sideguards and other vehicle safety devices that reduce the likelihood of pedestrian and cyclist fatalities.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
Other regulatory changes CDD Completed
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Establish solar and/or cool roof requirements for new construction in all zoning districts
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Develop design guidelines for as-of-right affordable housing development.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD Completed
Community Wellbeing Ensure artists and community organizations have space in Cambridge to work, meet, perform, and display their work. Modify zoning to allow for live-work space for artists.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Housing Increase overall housing production. Change zoning to enable more housing, including affordable housing, to be built along major corridors, squares, and in other areas that have the capacity to accommodate growth and are well-served by transit (i.e. increase base zoning, allow multifamily residential development citywide, density bosnuses for increased percentage of affordable housing units).
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Housing Maintain a range of housing options to enable households to transition to the units best-suited to them as their needs change. Engage housing and service providers to produce quality permanent supportive housing for the homeless and other vulnerable populations.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Housing Develop a broader coalition of public and private entities and residents to support housing production, especially affordable housing, in Cambridge and the region. Identify opportunities to require local academic institutions to use their assets, especially their land, to build more housing, explore new housing partnerships and models that can better serve university-affiliated populations and the community, and encourage universities to house more of their university-affiliated populations.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Housing Develop a broader coalition of public and private entities and residents to support housing production, especially affordable housing, in Cambridge and the region. Play an active role in regional and state advocacy efforts to facilitate increased affordable housing production, including the development of strategies for zoning reform.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Housing Increase overall housing production. Require the creation of significant new housing in areas that are being rezoned.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Economy Incentivize the creation and preservation of affordable commercial space. Change zoning to increase commercial density to encourage job growth in areas such as Alewife.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Economy Encourage a business climate that prioritizes local, independent businesses and enables inclusive entrepreneurship. Change zoning to increase density and achieve a mix of uses in targeted areas along Massachusetts Avenue and Cambridge Street, in order to build the customer base for retail.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Economy Encourage a business climate that prioritizes local, independent businesses and enables inclusive entrepreneurship. Evaluate the most effective ways to streamline permitting processes for small businesses.
  • Economic Opportunity
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Economy Incentivize the creation and preservation of affordable commercial space. In large developments, require ground-floor commercial spaces of a small size aligned with the needs of new and small businesses.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
CDD In Progress
Economy Encourage a business climate that prioritizes local, independent businesses and enables inclusive entrepreneurship. Increase frequency of capacity-building sessions on the public procurement process offered to minority- and women- owned businesses (MWBEs).
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Advocate for the MBTA to conduct a vulnerability assessment of all transit facilities in Cambridge, primarily the Red Line.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD Completed
Mobility Adjust land use policy to support more sustainable transportation choices and limit unnecessary automobile trips. Change zoning to allow low maximum parking requirements near transit nodes and in key squares and corridors, with lowered parking requirements citywide, while balancing impacts of parking spillover on residential streets.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Collaborate with the MBTA on bus service planning to support bus priority initiatives, particularly in underserved areas, and advocate for additional service.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Collaborate with the MBTA to effectively implement next generation Automatic Fare Collection, which will enable off-board fare payment and all-door boarding on all transit lines, reducing delays. Advocacy CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Collaborate with the MBTA to review and modify bus layover locations to find increased efficiencies. Advocacy CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance and expand safety infrastructure for all street users. Commit funds to improve pedestrian comfort and safety on key streets and paths that connect the open space network, and keep them well-maintained with periodic renovations.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance public information on how to safely and efficiently move within and through Cambridge and expand public education efforts on transportation safety. Display real-time information at City buildings, in locations near mobility services, at bus stops, and on City websites to expand the availability, accessibility, and visibility of transit, bike share, and car share services.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Community interface and outreach CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance public information on how to safely and efficiently move within and through Cambridge and expand public education efforts on transportation safety. Expand and increase funding for marketing of sustainable transportation modes within the city, in order to encourage broader participation, with a focus on better translation and interpretation services.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Mobility Enhance and expand safety infrastructure for all street users. Expand the Safe Routes to School program to ensure all students receive pedestrian, transit, and bicycle education and are encouraged to use active transportation to commute to school.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
CDD In Progress
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Install co-located car share, bike share, and transit nodes in areas that are currently underserved to help reduce automobile traffic.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Mobility Advocate for the expansion of sustainable transportation infrastructure across the region, especially where it will directly impact traffic in Cambridge. Partner with surrounding communities to create multi-jurisdictional BRT/bus priority routes, for example, collaborating with MassDOT and Boston on Route 1 improvements, with Watertown on Route 71 and Route 73 improvements, with Arlington on Route 77 improvements, and with MassDOT and the MBTA on Alewife bus priority for all routes entering and exiting.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Mobility Establish new regulatory frameworks to prepare for technology-driven disruptions in mobility. Prepare for the introduction of autonomous vehicles and motorized micromobility devices by developing policies that address equity and safety, and ensure that vehicles are both shared and electric.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Undertake a detailed feasibility analysis of bicycle network vision presented in the Bicycle Plan.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Use quick-build infrastructure to complete a network of separated bicycle facilities while long-term implementation of the Bicycle Network Plan is proceeding.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Mobility Adjust regulatory incentives and pricing of public assets like space for parking to limit unnecessary car trips and parking and to allocate public space effectively. Work with the MBTA to improve multimodal access to the Alewife T station through demand-based pricing and improved bus service and infrastructure.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Create resiliency hubs within 1/2 mile of all housing units.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Work with the entire Cambridge community to strenghten the City's climate and environment initiatives. Engage large institutions to collaborate to advance waste reduction and green their supply chains (i.e. EcoDistricts, Cambridge Compact for a Sustainable Future).
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD On Hold
Climate and Environment Communicate the City’s climate and environment initiatives to the community Establish a coordinated outreach and engagement approach regarding environmental programs and issues
  • Learning
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Community interface and outreach CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Evaluate strategies for increasing open space requirements and limiting the creation of impervious surfaces.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Implement demonstration community solar projects. Capital investments CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. Install high-visibility electric vehicle charging stations at publicly accessible locations
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Investigate outcome-based requirements for new building GHG emissions.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Procure 100% of municipal electricity from renewable sources
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Revise the city's Article 22: Sustainable Design and Development to require higher levels of green building design and energy efficiency for new construction and major renovations Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Increase density near transit nodes while accommodating the unique character of our squares and areas along the corridors. Adjust existing zoning near transit nodes to allow greater density while complementing the character of the surrounding area.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Allow the maximum height of mixed-use projects with active ground floor uses to be increased in order to achieve taller ground floor spaces that better support active uses.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Livability
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Conduct a citywide assessment to determine where new public or publicly accessible open space should be expected as part of redevelopment projects, when the amount of land area can accommodate such spaces.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Continue to update area- and neighborhood-specific design guidelines to ensure that new developments’ urban design outcomes complement their neighborhood context and the review process is more predictable to stakeholders and developers.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Increase density near transit nodes while accommodating the unique character of our squares and areas along the corridors. Eliminate minimum parking requirements for development along the corridors.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Urban Form Improve the public open space network by preserving, maintaining, and enhancing existing open spaces to serve a diverse population. Encourage open space and recreational facilities that serve a wide range of uses that reflect the needs and interests of Cambridge’s diverse population, through expansion of the existing inventory, multiple uses of existing facilities, and creative programming.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Implement recommendations developed in the Urban Forest Master Plan to increase tree canopy on private property through development review.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Completed
Urban Form Proactively guide development in areas with a strong potential for change through area-specific planning and development review. Initiate district plans for specific areas to inform new zoning approaches and design guidelines that support the Envision Cambridge objectives.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Partner with the private sector and community groups to provide, sponsor, and contribute funds or in-kind assistance to the maintenance and programming of the public realm including plazas, open spaces, sidewalks, and recreational facilities.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Community interface and outreach CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Prohibit parking and vehicular loading and service between buildings and the street, and prohibit curb cuts unless the parcel only has frontage on the mixed-use corridor, the frontage is no less than 40 feet wide, and the garage entrance is no more than 20 feet wide.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Update the citywide urban design objectives in the City’s zoning ordinance to reflect Envision Cambridge recommendations.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Work with state agencies and other parties to encourage greater access to and more active use of the Charles River and other state-owned parks and recreational areas, including tables and seating areas, canoe/kayak launches, boat rentals, public swimming, and restaurants.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Community Wellbeing Encourage formal and informal participation in community life through direct programming and support for independent community groups. Conduct an inventory of publicly accessible indoor meeting spaces, including the hours, capacity, location, and contact information for each space, and make available to public.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Capital investments CDD Not Started
Community Wellbeing Encourage creative play for all ages and abilities. Design and program open space to encourage intergenerational use of open spaces
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Community Wellbeing Increase participation of underrepresented groups to weigh in on city policy and governance. Research and implement innovative and non-traditional engagement tools and partnerships, including meeting people where they are, and using technology and art to increase representation from underserved communities.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Community interface and outreach CDD In Progress
Community Wellbeing Increase participation of underrepresented groups to weigh in on city policy and governance. Work with the Community Engagement Team (CET) to support other departments in developing their own outreach teams. CET is a multi-agency collaborative that supports agencies in working with a diverse community and reaches out to underserved Cambridge families to connect them to community events and resources and develop community leaders.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Housing Maintain a range of housing options to enable households to transition to the units best-suited to them as their needs change. Change base zoning to require that developers of multi-family projects of at least 10 units provide a certain number of family-sized units (i.e. units with at least 3-bedrooms).
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Housing Maintain a range of housing options to enable households to transition to the units best-suited to them as their needs change. Establish a set of family-oriented services and amenities to be encouraged in new development.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Study or plan CDD Not Started
Housing Encourage affordable housing production for low, moderate, and middle income households through regulatory and zoning incentives. Institute an incentive for owners of multifamily buildings who construct more affordable units than required by the Inclusionary Housing Program.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Economy Encourage a business climate that prioritizes local, independent businesses and enables inclusive entrepreneurship. Develop a program to provide ongoing mentorship to match new and experienced underrepresented entrepreneurs, support peer-to-peer learning, and help underrepresented entrepreneurs access City resources.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
Programs and operations CDD In Progress
Economy Incentivize the creation and preservation of affordable commercial space. Explore mechanisms to facilitate site assemblage to support targeted commercial development in Alewife.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD In Progress
Economy Preserve and promote light industrial land uses that support low barrier-to-entry jobs. Revise zoning to require light industrial uses in certain areas of the city.
  • Economic Opportunity
Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Economy Preserve and promote light industrial land uses that support low barrier-to-entry jobs. Support the light industrial economy by encouraging the development of a manufacturing incubator space and analyzing financing mechanisms (e.g. low-interest loans, increment financing, land trust) to facilitate infrastructure improvements or land assembly.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Scheduled
Mobility Advocate for the expansion of sustainable transportation infrastructure across the region, especially where it will directly impact traffic in Cambridge. Collaborate with the MBTA to provide more corporate and other pass options to expand the market in Cambridge
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
Advocacy CDD In Progress
Mobility Adjust regulatory incentives and pricing of public assets like space for parking to limit unnecessary car trips and parking and to allocate public space effectively. Create an impact fee on new development proportional to a project’s vehicle traffic generation to support multimodal infrastructure and safety improvements.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD Not Started
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Finalize a Transit Strategic Implementation Plan to create a high-quality transit experience in the city.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Not Started
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Develop architectural green guidelines (i.e. desirable materials, amount of glass, etc.) to complement Article 22: Sustainable Design and Development
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
CDD Not Started
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Develop disaster preparedness plans at the neighborhood level in conjunction with neighborhood organizations, service providers, public housing residents, and other vulnerable populations.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Scheduled
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Establish a network of temperature sensors at pedestrian level to track heat island impacts.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD Not Started
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Establish demonstration projects for safety of energy storage systems.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments CDD Not Started
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Evaluate environmental impacts and heat vulnerability of artificial turf and other man-made materials used in parks and playgrounds.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Not Started
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Specifically serve low-income/high-vulnerability individuals and public housing residents with targeted preparedness and outreach programs (CCPR)
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations CDD Scheduled
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Study ways to incentivize building integrated vegetation (i.e. green walls, balconies).
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD Not Started
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Clarify the development review process by publishing a process diagram to clearly articulate requirements and expectations at every step. Community interface and outreach CDD On Hold
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Review and assess which districts are designated "Areas of Special Planning Concern" in the Zoning Ordinance.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Review and simplify the various elements of project review established by Article 19 of the zoning ordinance to provide a clearer set of procedures. Zoning Changes CDD Not Started
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Update the Citywide Pedestrian Plan.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD On Hold
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Streamline existing efforts to expand access to energy-efficiency funding and technical assistance, including supporting expanded use of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) to finance retrofits. Community interface and outreach CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. Develop a zero emissions transportation plan, addressing both mode shift and zero emissions vehicles
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan CDD In Progress
Urban Form Proactively guide development in areas with a strong potential for change through area-specific planning and development review. Amend development standards to encourage fine-grained architecture including balconies, roof terraces and decks, and projecting bays to overlook streets and other public spaces.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Create clear design- and performance-based guidelines to address the environmental impacts of new development through green building standards. Where guidelines are area-specific, prioritize guideline development in areas likely to see significant change.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Revise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality. Establish a consolidated set of citywide urban design guidelines based on development types, design themes, and respect to the historic context, while enhancing the overall character of the city.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Establish citywide guidelines for programming, design, signage, and maintenance and operations of publicly accessible private open space.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Establish design guidelines for all mixed-use corridors that include provisions for activating design elements along the street wall, including signage, awnings, frequency of entrances, and breaks in the building facade.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Establish development standards to promote a continuous street wall on commercial corridors, including uniform standards for front setbacks and building façade lengths that are compatible with the established patterns of the area.
  • Livability
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Establish development standards to promote street-activating uses (such as retail) on ground floors, including minimum ground-floor heights, limitations on the frontage length occupied by lobbies and other non-active uses, standards for the frontage length of individual storefronts, and requirements for smaller-sized commercial or community spaces in larger buildings.
  • Livability
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Establish guidelines to promote the addition of public pathways on large development sites where they would create desired neighborhood pedestrian and bicycle connections.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Establish public realm design guidelines for street infrastructure, landscaping, trees, seating, and public art, to result in a consistent, though varied, family of materials and street furnishings that can provide a greater sense of continuity between open spaces
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD In Progress
Urban Form Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Require primary building entrances to be located on the mixed-use corridors to create visual variety and to encourage the mixing of building residents, shoppers, and passers-by on the sidewalk.
  • Livability
Zoning Changes CDD In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Offer a density bonus incentive through zoning for net zero projects
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes CDD Dropped
Climate and Environment Reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. Require electric vehicle charging infrastructure in new buildings
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Zoning Changes Inspectional Services In Progress
Economy Make investments in social and economic inclusion that support Cambridge’s long-term economic competitiveness and vibrant quality of life. Explore additional opportunities to ensure equitable internet access.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Study or plan Information Technology In Progress
Community Wellbeing Increase participation of underrepresented groups to weigh in on city policy and governance. Invest in technology in additional meeting spaces to make meetings available for streaming online, including both high- and low-tech options.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Programs and operations Information Technology In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support healthy lifestyles and affordable food options. Improve access to community gardens.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations Conservation Commission In Progress
Housing Expand resources for affordable housing production and preservation. Establish or expand the use of taxes that provide dedicated revenue for affordable housing including a local real estate transfer tax (supplemental to state stamp tax), a speculative owner tax, and lodging tax on short-term rentals.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Other regulatory changes City Manager Office In Progress
Housing Expand resources for affordable housing production and preservation. Increase existing City funds and explore options for new revenue sources and support for dedicated affordable housing.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
Capital investments City Manager Office In Progress
Housing Expand resources for affordable housing production and preservation. Prioritize City and other public property that is available for disposition to develop affordable housing.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Capital investments City Manager Office In Progress
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Encourage and incentivize the use of sustainable transportation by City employees through increased transportation benefits and programming.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations City Manager Office In Progress
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Purchase additional land reserved to be used as open space and prioritize locations that improve open space connectivity and increase public access
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments City Manager Office In Progress
Community Wellbeing Bring race to the forefront of local policymaking, and increase cultural competency around issues of race. Evaluate and expand mandatory training for city staff, including public safety personnel, on topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competency
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Programs and operations City Manager Office In Progress
Community Wellbeing Increase participation of underrepresented groups to weigh in on city policy and governance. Expand City efforts, including targeted outreach and recruitment, to ensure diverse representation on City boards, commissions and advisory committees.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
Community interface and outreach City Manager Office In Progress
Community Wellbeing Bring race to the forefront of local policymaking, and increase cultural competency around issues of race. Hold citywide conversations on race and equity. Community interface and outreach City Manager Office In Progress
Community Wellbeing Increase participation of underrepresented groups to weigh in on city policy and governance. Provide consistent, high-quality, culturally appropriate translation and interpretation services, particularly for key City events or meetings
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Programs and operations City Manager Office In Progress
Climate and Environment Work with the entire Cambridge community to strenghten the City's climate and environment initiatives. Develop and implement a cost/benefit methodology for City capital allocation/budgeting processes that allocates monetary value to environmental benefits.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes City Manager Office Not Started
Community Wellbeing Bring race to the forefront of local policymaking, and increase cultural competency around issues of race. Develop a citywide racial equity framework and increase capacity to conduct ongoing racial equity analyses of new and existing policies, programs, services, procurement practices, and community engagement to evaluate how each proposal advances racial equity, addresses gaps in services and disparities in access, addresses institutional racism, and mitigates unintended consequences.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations City Manager Office Not Started
Community Wellbeing Bolster artistic activity through audience building and support for professional and nonprofessional artists. Create new opportunities for audiences to financially support artmaking.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Community interface and outreach Cambridge Arts Council In Progress
Community Wellbeing Encourage creative play for all ages and abilities. Evaluate ways to increase programming at parks and squares, including culturally specific programming, by building partnerships with local non-profit and community organizations
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Programs and operations Cambridge Arts Council In Progress
Housing Expand tools and resources to prevent displacement and housing insecurity and address homelessness. Evaluate gaps in supportive housing services and assistance provided by the City, increase capacity and funds to address identified gaps, and increase awareness of available services
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Housing Expand tools and resources to prevent displacement and housing insecurity and address homelessness. Expand homelessness prevention services, including emergency resources and support, legal and mediation services, housing search, foreclosure prevention counseling, and education on tenants’ rights.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Housing Expand tools and resources to prevent displacement and housing insecurity and address homelessness. Support legislative and other efforts to improve protections for tenants at risk of displacement.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
DHSP In Progress
Economy Enhance current training and education programs and expand partnerships with employers and institutions to meet the education and training needs of the Cambridge community. Assess the training and education needs of low- and moderate-income residents to determine readiness to access existing industry-focused training programs and inform design of new programs. Design new programs and implement strategies based on the recommendations of the needs assessment.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Study or plan DHSP In Progress
Economy Enhance current training and education programs and expand partnerships with employers and institutions to meet the education and training needs of the Cambridge community. Expand existing industry-focused training programs to incorporate pre-vocational education that addresses barriers preventing residents from accessing training or “earn and learn” opportunities.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Economy Enhance current training and education programs and expand partnerships with employers and institutions to meet the education and training needs of the Cambridge community. Provide funding for STEAM internship opportunities for Cambridge students, and work in collaboration with local business and academic institutions to develop strategies for implementation.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Community Wellbeing Work to eradicate homelessness and support those experiencing homelessness to find shelter and supportive services. Coordinate public and private efforts to provide comprehensive services to persons experiencing homelessness.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Community interface and outreach DHSP In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support Cambridge families through prenatal education, childcare services, preschool, and family-centered design Create equitable access to and expand the number of high-quality early learning services, and support families so that their children are prepared for school.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support healthy lifestyles and affordable food options. Directly provide healthy food to those in need and evaluate how food is delivered to ensure equitable and humane distribution
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support Cambridge families through prenatal education, childcare services, preschool, and family-centered design Expand after-school and summer programs for children of all ages.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support Cambridge families through prenatal education, childcare services, preschool, and family-centered design Expand scholarships and the number of slots in quality early education programs with a focus on low income families, which will facilitate workforce participation for adults and positive educational outcomes for children.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Programs and operations DHSP In Progress
Urban Form Preserve the historical integrity and diversity of Cambridge's neighborhoods, including buildings and the public realm. Disseminate information about the city’s history.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Community interface and outreach Historical Commission In Progress
Urban Form Preserve the historical integrity and diversity of Cambridge's neighborhoods, including buildings and the public realm. Investigate potential additions to the historic inventory through public engagement, planning, and designation studies.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Historical Commission In Progress
Urban Form Preserve the historical integrity and diversity of Cambridge's neighborhoods, including buildings and the public realm. Utilize CPA-funded preservation grants to preserve and promote the restoration of significant historic properties.
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Historical Commission In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support Cambridge’s diversity and traditions through formal recognition and celebrations. Create a database of places that highlight Cambridge's history, traditions, and legacy, and publish a collection of walking routes based on those places.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
Capital investments Historical Commission In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support the mental, behavioral, and emotional health of all and reduce substance abuse. Implement an educational campaign about mental/behavioral health to destigmatize mental illness, increase awareness of substance abuse prevention, and promote existing mental/behavioral health services in Cambridge.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Community interface and outreach Public Health In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support the mental, behavioral, and emotional health of all and reduce substance abuse. Increase mental/behavioral health prevention, screening, and treatment programs and services to vulnerable populations, including the elderly, LGBTQ+, homeless, immigrant, parent, and youth populations
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Community interface and outreach Public Health In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support the mental, behavioral, and emotional health of all and reduce substance abuse. Provide direct outreach, counseling, and programming for people abusing substances and provide information on subustance abuse prevention
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Programs and operations Public Health In Progress
Community Wellbeing Support the mental, behavioral, and emotional health of all and reduce substance abuse. Provide safe and consequence free disposal of medication and drug paraphernalia, providing exchanges if necessary (i.e. sharps disposal).
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Programs and operations Public Health In Progress
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Commission a study to collect local air quality data and recommend indicators, targets, and data collection methods for the City to adopt on a permanent basis.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Public Health Not Started
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Build a pedestrian, bicycle and transit connection across the railroad tracks connecting the Alewife Quadrangle to the Triangle.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Mobility Enhance and expand safety infrastructure for all street users. Increase funding to improve intersection safety in locations with high rates of crashes.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Mobility Expand access to sustainable transportation choices and the physical reach of sustainable transportation infrastructure. Increase funding to improve multimodal access to key public facilities such as schools, parks, community centers, recreation centers, retail zones, and libraries by adding crosswalks, bus shelters, protected bike lanes, and bike parking, etc.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Climate and Environment Reduce solid waste generation and divert recyclable and organic waste from landfill or incineration. Add recycling bins around city in places where there are only waste bins
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Climate and Environment Reduce solid waste generation and divert recyclable and organic waste from landfill or incineration. Advocate for statewide Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs and policies.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy Public Works In Progress
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Implement recommendations from the Urban Forest Master Plan Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Incorporate green infrastructure into City park, open space, sidewalk, and street reconstruction projects as conditions and space allow
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Study regulatory barriers and identify potential leverage points and sources of incentives for adaptive retrofits for existing buildings (utility placement, floodable ground floors, etc.). Study or plan Public Works In Progress
Urban Form Improve the public open space network by preserving, maintaining, and enhancing existing open spaces to serve a diverse population. Incorporate the principles of Universal Design in open space projects.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
Capital investments Public Works In Progress
Mobility Enhance existing sustainable transportation infrastructure to be more convenient, reliable, and resilient. Prepare transportation infrastructure to be resilient to periodic flooding, possible salt water contamination, and high temperatures associated with climate change by relocating mechanical and electrical equipment and introducing more passive cooling features. Capital investments Public Works Not Started
Climate and Environment Restore and grow Cambridge's green infrastructure and tree canopy, and support biodiversity. Assess opportunities to enhance habitat for local flora and fauna on public and private properties in Cambridge.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Public Works Not Started
Climate and Environment Reduce solid waste generation and divert recyclable and organic waste from landfill or incineration. Require new developments to submit a waste management plan to ensure adequate space for recycling and organics infrastructure.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes Public Works Not Started
Climate and Environment Reduce solid waste generation and divert recyclable and organic waste from landfill or incineration. Study the feasibility of different programs to incentivize trash reduction that does not have a disparate impact on low-income communities
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Public Works Not Started
Mobility Adjust regulatory incentives and pricing of public assets like space for parking to limit unnecessary car trips and parking and to allocate public space effectively. Evaluate restructuring the City's resident parking permit program to reflect a balance between people who use parking and people who use other modes, including: (a) Increasing the resident parking permit fee (can be combined with a discount for low-income residents and grandfathering of existing recipients); and (b) Introducing an escalating fee scale, so that each additional permit at a given address is more expensive.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Traffic, Parking, and Transportation In Progress
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Advocate at the state level for policies that encourage use of smaller trucks for local deliveries
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Not Started
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Analyze consolidated neighborhood delivery pick-up spots which can minimize excessive door-to-door deliveries and offer reduced shipping costs.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Traffic, Parking, and Transportation In Progress
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Create incentives and new loading zones that encourage large trucks to deliver off-peak. Other regulatory changes Traffic, Parking, and Transportation In Progress
Mobility Establish new regulatory frameworks to prepare for technology-driven disruptions in mobility. Create policies for flexing curb regulations using new sign designs, pricing, and electronics within business districts at times of increased demand. These regulations should better accommodate loading, bike parking, transit lanes, and shared-ride or autonomous vehicle loading. Other regulatory changes Traffic, Parking, and Transportation In Progress
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Study peak period pricing in loading zones to ensure that trucks find curb space without double parking. Study or plan Traffic, Parking, and Transportation In Progress
Climate and Environment Reduce potable water demand. Study Cambridge’s greywater supply assets and non-potable demand
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Study or plan Water Department Not Started
Climate and Environment Modernize emergency management systems and prepare for climate change impacts. Leverage new communication technologies to alert residents and workers, by geography, of risks in the event of an emergency (e.g. text message) Community interface and outreach Emergency Communications Department Not Started
Mobility Better manage freight movement to limit freight-related congestion and improve efficiency and safety. Increase enforcement of truck violations.
  • Livability
Programs and operations Police In Progress
Community Wellbeing Encourage creative play for all ages and abilities. Revise permitting process for reserving parks/open space and holding block parties to eliminate barriers for underserved communities
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Other regulatory changes DPW In Progress
Climate and Environment Accelerate the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions for buildings in the city. Participate in statewide working groups to develop safety and performance codes and standards for energy storage systems. Once established, adopt those codes locally.
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Advocacy Fire Department Not Started
Mobility Enhance public information on how to safely and efficiently move within and through Cambridge and expand public education efforts on transportation safety. Expand engagement with people with disabilities and seniors on mobility options and infrastructure design and maintenance.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Learning
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Community interface and outreach In Progress
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Encourage family-friendly design elements (such as playgrounds) in residential and commercial buildings and public realm improvements through development review and design guidelines.
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes In Progress
Mobility Advocate for the expansion of sustainable transportation infrastructure across the region, especially where it will directly impact traffic in Cambridge. Sign-on to Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities.
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Other regulatory changes CDD Not Started
Urban Form Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Incentivize flexible publicly accessible indoor space in private and institutional developments.
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
Other regulatory changes In Progress
Economy Preserve and promote light industrial land uses that support low barrier-to-entry jobs. Undertake targeted business recruitment efforts to attract firms that offer low barrier-to-entry jobs with relatively high wages and job training opportunities, which could include many jobs in light industrial sectors. #NO MATCH CDD Not Started
Mobility Enhance public information on how to safely and efficiently move within and through Cambridge and expand public education efforts on transportation safety. Expand citywide pedestrian and bike wayfinding between key destinations, such as transit hubs, bike share locations, and community resources like libraries, retail areas, and parks. #NO MATCH Public Works
Mobility Adjust regulatory incentives and pricing of public assets like space for parking to limit unnecessary car trips and parking and to allocate public space effectively. Implement demand-based pricing for all parking meters owned by the City of Cambridge to reduce circling and improve parking availability for those driving while incentivizing the use of other modes. #NO MATCH Traffic, Parking, and Transportation
Mobility Enhance public information on how to safely and efficiently move within and through Cambridge and expand public education efforts on transportation safety. Investigate working with nearby drivers’ education programs to enhance curricula and offer mobility education workshops. #NO MATCH CDD In Progress
Mobility Advocate for the expansion of sustainable transportation infrastructure across the region, especially where it will directly impact traffic in Cambridge. Work with MassDOT to advocate for urban rail on the Fitchburg Line and along the Grand Junction Railroad. #NO MATCH
Mobility Advocate for the expansion of sustainable transportation infrastructure across the region, especially where it will directly impact traffic in Cambridge. Work with regional partners to study a Charles River ferry or water taxi service. #NO MATCH CDD
Preserve the historical integrity and diversity of Cambridge's neighborhoods, including buildings and the public realm. Adjust zoning in residential districts to be more compatible with prevailing patterns of development, including building setbacks, maximum heights, open space, parking requirements, and uses. #NO MATCH CDD In Progress
Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Allocate funds to convert paved traffic islands into green spaces, or reconfigure roadways to eliminate them. #NO MATCH Traffic, Parking, and Transportation
Leverage private development to create and maintain high-quality public open spaces and to provide dynamic programming. Allow developers to contribute to a fund for open space in areas where a need for such space is identified but it cannot be reasonably provided on-site. #NO MATCH Planning Board
Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Build open space, bicycle, and pedestrian connections to integrate the “Alewife Squares” into the fabric of the City (as recommended in the Alewife District Plan) #NO MATCH Public Works
Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Design and implement clear wayfinding, using signage and other means, for biking and walking routes to the City’s open spaces and other key destinations. #NO MATCH Public Works
Proactively guide development in areas with a strong potential for change through area-specific planning and development review. Prepare a streetscape/landscape character master plan that identifies different character types, determines desired uses and setbacks, and sets guidelines for types of landscaping, building frontages, etc. #NO MATCH CDD
Expand the public open space network through new open spaces, new programming, and improved local and regional connections. Prioritize the planning and implementation of routes providing physical and visual connections to citywide open spaces and regional paths and trails, including the Charles River, Fresh Pond, Danehy Park, Alewife Reservation, and the regional greenway system. #NO MATCH Public Works
Encourage activity on the ground floors of new buildings, particularly along mixed-use corridors. Streamline the approval process to allow more street-activating elements in or above the public way, such as awnings, entry canopies, street furniture, etc. #NO MATCH CDD
Ensure that Cambridge is a safe and welcoming place for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Increase the number of public or publicly accessible restrooms, including all-gender bathrooms. #NO MATCH Public Works
Support Cambridge’s diversity and traditions through formal recognition and celebrations. Provide funding for the creation of a Cambridge history museum or other landmark, such as a Cambridge version of the Boston Freedom Trail, to connect historically significant locations. #NO MATCH Historical Commission
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