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Apply for a Garage, Flammables or Garage with Flammables License

License Commission

Garage, Flammables or Garage with Flammables License are issued by the Cambridge License Commission pursuant to and in accordance wit Massachusetts General Law c. 148, § 13 & 56 and the Special Acts of 1930, c. 121.  It takes approximately four to six weeks for the application to be processed and the license to be issued, if approved.

How to Start

Step 1:

The applicant should go to the Online Application Portal and complete the Garage, Flammable or a Garage with Flammables Application online.

When submitting the completed forms, the applicant must include:

  •  8.5X11 inch plot plan*
  •  DBA certificate from the City Clerk’s Office
  • Proof of Worker’s Compensation, if you have employees
  • Signed lease or letter of intent from the landlord

Step 2:

The application will be review by License Commission staff for completeness and accuracy. Inspectional Service Department (ISD) Staff will review to confirm proper zoning.  

Step 3:

You application will simultaneously be reviewed by the following Departments:

  • Traffic, Parking and Transportation (if applying for a garage), where they will verify the number of spaces in the registered parking inventory prior to proceeding.
  • Parking and Transportation Demand Management Planning Office (if applying for a garage), to verify if the facility has received a commercial parking permit from the CPCC.
  • If you are applying to amend a license, please do not include on the application that for which you are already licensed. However, you must include a copy of your current year license. 

Step 4:

The applicant must submit all forms and the signed plans to the License Commission though the online portal, and pay a $175 hearing and advertising fee. The License Commission will schedule the next available hearing and notify the applicant of the date.

Step 5:

Once the ad is published and prior to the hearing you must notify the abutters – which include the persons/businesses (the assessed owners of the properties) whose boundaries touch the boundaries of the premises (front, back, left and right), and any schools, churches or hospitals within 500 feet. You are required to bring a completed Affidavit of Notice to Abutters and Others along with the Certified Mail Receipts and Proof of Service Receipts to the hearing.


Step 6:

If the License Commission approves the application, the applicant must pay the license fee before the license is issued.


Plot plan* showing: 
  • Street address, nearest cross street and abutting properties; 
  • Show installation date, size, and location of present tanks, if any; 
  • Indicate tanks to be removed, if any, and the capacity of these tanks; 
  • Indicate proposed new tanks and designate their capacity. 
  • Indicate number of vehicles to be kept on the premises. 
  • Indicate amount and location of all inflammables to be licensed. 
Please contact the Fire Department, in advance at (617) 349-4918, to determine their requirements for this plan.
Page was last modified on 9/26/2024 8:50 AM
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