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Apply for a Livery/Limousine License

License Commission

Livery/Limousine Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission pursuant to and in accordance with the Special Acts of 1930, c. 121, and Cambridge Municipal Code 5.20, Public Transportation. It takes approximately four to six weeks for an application to be processed and a license to be issued, if approved.

How to Start

Step 1:

The applicant obtains and completes the application form, identifies the name of the company, and provides a list detailing the number of vehicles, make, model and registration for each vehicle, and the name and address of each driver. A Criminal Offender Record Information and driving record check will be done for the owner and each driver (there is a $10 fee/check).

If the applicant has an office or a garage in Cambridge, a Licensed Premises Inspection Approval form must be completed along with site plans or sketches designating street and number, entrances and exits, and a complete and accurate description of the premises to be licensed.

Step 2:

If the applicant has an office or a garage in Cambridge, the applicant will then submit the Licensed Premises Inspection Approval form to the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) for zoning approval.

Step 3:

The applicant must submit the following forms:

  • the application form and all CORI waiver forms
  • a copy of the Articles of Organization ( if the applicant is a corporation ) or a copy of the Business Certificate obtainable from the City Clerk's Office
  • if appropriate, the Licensed Premises Inspection Approval form and any site plans or sketches.
The License Commission will then schedule a hearing. The applicant must submit the $175 hearing and advertising fee (along with the CORI fees). The applicant must notify all legal abutters by certified mail, return receipt requested within three days after advertising, but at least ten days before the hearing. The applicant must submit certified mail receipts to verify contact with abutters.

Step 4:

If the applicant has an office or a garage in Cambridge, an ISD building inspector must approve the License Premises Inspection Approval form and all sketches or plans. However, if the applicant has a current Certificate of Occupancy, this sign-off is not required.

Step 5:

If the License Commission approves the application, a license will be issued after payment of license fees and ISD's building approval.


Fee: $175 hearing and newspaper advertising fee; $10 for each CORI check; license fee for the first two vehicles, $121/year per vehicle. Each vehicle thereafter is $50 per year per vehicle.
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:11 PM
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