How to Start
You will be asked to upload the following documents:
- Letter of Permission
- For privately owned locations, the letter will be from the owner of the property.
- For City-owned locations, the letter will be a permit to obstruct the Public Way from Department of Public Works.
- For Universities you will need either a signed event registration form or permission from the school to vend.
- University the applicants must also submit Police Sign off from the University Police Department.
The letter should describe the event: date, start and end time, number of people expected to attend, type of event, name of vendor/peddler, his/her contact information, and types of goods to be sold.
The One Day Hawker Peddler Application must be filled out online at least two weeks before the event so that the Board can vote on the application. If granted, the applicant will receive notice to pay online with e-check or credit card or you may come into the office to pay with cash or check.
Once payment is received the license will issue through the system and you can print it prior to the event.