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Apply for VA Aid and Attendance

Veterans Services

Wartime Veterans who are more seriously disabled may qualify for Aid and Attendance or Housebound benefits. These are benefits that are paid in addition to the basic pension rate. This benefit may also be applied for by those with service-connected compensation provided that the compensable injury is causing the need for the Aid and Attendance. If not service-connected, this benefit may not be paid without eligibility to pension.

Widows of wartime veterans may also file for Aid and Attendance if they meet the criteria. If the widow remarries and the second marriage ends, she may apply for VAP and A+A. 

How to Start

In order to apply for VA Disability Compensation please call 617-349-4760 to set up an appointment for application. Also, gather any private medical documentation that will support your claim.


To complete and application the following documentation is needed:

  • Military Discharge (DD214)
  • Marriage Certificate (If Married)
  • Veterans’ Death Certificate (If widow applying)
  • Proof of medical expenses
  • Letter of medical necessity 
  • Direct deposit information 
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:10 PM
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