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Cambridge Works Recruiting Participants

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 7 years ago.

The Cambridge Works team works closely with participants and are a big part of the program's success.

Are you a Cambridge resident, age 18–35, without a college degree, looking for a full-time job? If so, Cambridge Works might be able to help if you’ve had difficulty finding jobs due to limited work experience, gaps in your work history, legal or personal issues.

Cambridge Works, the City’s free, transitional jobs program provides participants:

  • A 3-month paid internship
  • Support from a case manager
  • Weekly job-readiness classes
  • Job placement assistance

Applications for the next program are currently being accepted. To find out more, contact: Michele Scott at 617-349-7741 or mscott@cambridgema.gov or Michael Merullo at 617-349-7743 or mmerullo@cambridgema.gov.

Photo: The Cambridge Works staff are a big part of the program's success due to their dedication to counseling and working closely with participants to help them succeed. Pictured (l to r): Tyrone Fells, Michele Scott, Allyson Allen, and Michael Merullo.

Page was posted on 2/2/2018 10:48 AM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:55 PM
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