Attend an exciting variety of classes for adults starting in September at the Cambridge Community Learning Center (CLC) located at 5 Western Avenue.
The free classes include English and Citizenship classes; basic reading, writing, and math classes; preparation for the High School Equivalency and GED tests; college and career preparation, and specialized training programs.
The next 17-week session for the Certified Nursing Assistant training program for non-native English speakers begins Sept. 17. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday, from 5-9 p.m. Prospective participants must meet certain requirements. For more information, contact Bayyinah Pandolfo at 617-349-6371 or
Through the Bridge to College Program, students improve their writing and math skills, get help applying for college, financial aid, and scholarships, and can earn 3 credits from Bunker Hill Community College. Classes starts Sept. 18, and will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, from 6:15-9:15 p.m., and every other Tuesday, from 6:15-7:45 p.m. To apply for this free program, contact Eleanor Stafford at 617-349-4482 or
The Free English Class for Parents, which also includes free childcare, starts Sept. 18 and will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., at Peabody Elementary School, 70 Rindge Ave, North Cambridge. Participants learn English conversation, grammar, reading, writing, and vocabulary, and about the importance of reading and talking to your children. For more information, contact Lally Stowell at 781-777-2759 or
The new Information Technology Careers Training Program prepares adults with a high school diploma or its equivalency for positions as Computer User Support Specialists or Help Desk Technicians. Program participants will complete 6 technical training courses, earn 6 college credits, and complete a Career Exploration and Career Readiness course that includes job readiness and workforce preparation. Paid and unpaid internships with partnering employers will be offered, as well as ongoing academic and career advising and job placement. Students will need to successfully pass the COMP TIA+ exam to earn their certificate.
The Community Learning Center is a part of the city’s Department of Human Service Program. For more information, call 617-349-6363 or visit CambridgeMA.Gov/CLC.