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2020 US Census is Coming in March. Be Counted to Help Secure Funding for Your Community. Learn More at an Upcoming Information Session

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 5 years ago.

2020 US Census Poster (what the US Census means for you)
The 2020 US Census is coming in March, and to ensure we get a full and accurate count of everyone living in Cambridge, the city has been working with partners and community stakeholders to conduct outreach and education efforts.

As part of that outreach, the City of Cambridge is holding Census Information Sessions at Cambridge libraries over the next few weeks and invites residents to attend to learn more about the Census, why it’s important, and how being counted impacts our community. Join us for 2020 US Census Information Sessions on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 28, 6 p.m.
Main Library, Lecture Hall
364 Rindge Ave

Saturday, February 15, 6 p.m.
Valente Branch, Program Room
828 Cambridge St

Tuesday, February 18, 6 p.m.
Central Square Branch, Lewis Room
45 Pearl St.

Monday, March 2, 6 p.m.
O’Neill Branch
70 Rindge Ave.

These information sessions will help explain what the Census means for you and provide a timeline of what to expect and what residents need to do to make sure you, your family, and others are counted in the 2020 US Census. 

The US Census determines congressional representation and federal funding we all rely on, but did you know that Cambridge receives approximately $2,000 per resident, per year based off the US Census? Completing your US Census form impacts funding for programs that can affect you and your family , such as education and childcare, public transportation, affordable housing, healthcare, and food assistance programs. Learn more at www.cambridgema.gov/2020census
Page was posted on 1/22/2020 12:17 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:58 PM
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