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Eviction Moratorium and Tenant Protection

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

Although the State Eviction Moratorium expired on October 17, 2020, the City of Cambridge’s Temporary Emergency Order on Eviction Enforcement and Non-Essential Entry by Property Owners and Their Agents into Occupied Dwelling Units remains in effect until further notice. This Order, which was issued on April 3, 2020 and amended on July 23, 2020, prohibits property owners from levying or acting on executions for possession of occupied units obtained in a court eviction case. This means that tenants may not be forcibly evicted from occupied units. Learn more at CambridgeMA.gov/covid19/housing.

Additionally, the City recently enacted the 2020 Tenants’ Rights and Resources Ordinance, Chapter 8.71 of Cambridge Municipal Code, which requires landlords to provide materials prepared by the City of Cambridge that includes information on basic tenant rights and resources, and organizations that may assist tenants. The Ordinance requires landlords or foreclosing owners to provide the materials if any notice to quit or notice of nonrenewal or expiration is served.

Learn more at CambridgeMA.gov/tenantrights.

For assistance with housing concerns or referrals to additional City and community services, contact the City’s Multi-Service Center at 617-349-6340 or the City’s Housing Liaison at 617-349-6337 or mpensak@cambridgema.gov.

Page was posted on 11/12/2020 4:46 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:58 PM
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