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Nominations Sought for 2022 Outstanding City Employee Awards. Nomination Deadline is Monday, April 11

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

City Hall Rainbow Bench

Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking nominations for the 2022 Outstanding City Employee Awards program, which recognizes employees for exemplary performance and contributions that go above and beyond job requirements.

Cambridge city government is made up of dedicated employees who strive to provide a high level of quality services to all our residents. The annual awards ceremony provides a special opportunity to give extra recognition to a number of exemplary individuals who will be honored. This event will be held on Friday, May 13, at 10:00 a.m., at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. 

Criteria for determining outstanding performance include:
• Demonstrated strong leadership and a high level of commitment to the City and its residents;
• Demonstrated outstanding customer service to the public and/or fellow employees;
• Developed an innovative or creative solution to a problem;
• Made superior contribution to the success of a project, completing work on time and within budget;
• Donated significant time to activities that benefit the Cambridge community;
• Encouraged and valued community involvement;
• Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work in a multicultural organization
• Consistently contributed to better City operations.

All City employees at all levels of the City workforce are eligible for nomination. Anyone who lives or works in Cambridge may nominate one or more City employees for recognition. Individuals are not limited as to how many employees s/he chooses to nominate but must submit a separate Nomination Form or letter for each employee. An employee may not nominate themself or their own supervisor or department head for recognition.

Nominations are due Monday, April 11, 2022 and can be submitted online. Alternatively, a signed nomination letter may be submitted via email to Maryellen Carvello in the City Manager's Office, mcarvello@cambridgema.gov or to the Personnel Department via fax to 617-349-4312 or in-person. The Personnel Department is located in Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue, 3rd floor. 

For more information, contact Maryellen Carvello at 617-349-4300 or mcarvello@cambridgema.gov.

Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:58 PM
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