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Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board Vacancy

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Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang is seeking people interested in serving on the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority (CRA). The application deadline is Monday, April 3, 2023.

What is the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority?

The CRA is an independent public body focused on publicly-beneficial real estate projects and infrastructure investment within the City of Cambridge. The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority is committed to implementing imaginative, creative initiatives to achieve social equity and a balanced economic ecosystem.

Per the state regulations creating redevelopment authorities (M.G.L. 121B), the CRA Board is composed of five members, four of whom are appointed by the City Manager to a five-year term and confirmed by the City Council. The fifth member is appointed by the Governor’s office.

What is the role of the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board?

The CRA works in the public trust to bring a human dimension to development, improving the quality of life for residents, businesses, employees, and visitors. Its goal is to balance economic vibrancy, housing, and open space, to create sustainable communities through new and revitalized development. Committed to implementing imaginative, creative initiatives to achieve social equity and a balanced economic ecosystem, the CRA works on projects throughout Cambridge, often in partnership with the City or with other organizations.

Recently, CRA launched the Foundry Redevelopment Demonstration Project, amended the Kendall Square Urban Redevelopment Plan (KSURP), initiated the Forward Fund nonprofit grant program, initiated multiple park and streetscape improvement projects and purchased and renovated the nonprofit office building at 99 Bishop Allen Drive. Anticipated efforts for the upcoming years include the development of affordable homeownership opportunities, the preservation and renovation of commercial and non-profit spaces that advance economic opportunity, and the support of vital community infrastructure including community facilities, open space and transit. Learn more.

Who can apply to join the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board?

All board members appointed by the City Manager must live in Cambridge. The City is committed to advancing a culture of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. All committee members in Cambridge must have the ability to work and interact effectively with individuals and groups with a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies. Women, minorities, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

What are the responsibilities of board members on the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority?

Board members are responsible for overseeing the fiscal management and strategic direction of the CRA. They oversee project selection, program policy, internal controls, contracting and procurement decisions, and general management of operations. The Board hires the Executive Director and sets annual budgets for the organization. They service as a critical connection between community interests and the Management of programs. They bring forward redevelopment concept for consideration and review initiatives from the City of Cambridge and CRA staff. They guide existing redevelopment programs providing land use and design review of buildings in the KSURP area. They monitor the delivery of ongoing community benefit agreements in Kendall Square and other plan areas.

How much of a time commitment is the Cambridge Redevelopment Authority Board?

The CRA Board is a public body that meets at least monthly under the guidance of the open meeting law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. CRA Board meetings are currently held virtually on the second or third Wednesday of each month, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Members are expected to attend all meetings, and should expect to spend a few hours each month outside of meetings reviewing documents, visiting potential sites, etc. 

How can I apply?

Individuals interested in being considered should apply using the City’s online application system at Cambridgema.gov/apply and selecting “Cambridge Redevelopment Authority” in the list of Current Vacancies. A resume and cover letter describing why you want to join the committee, or an overview of relevant experience, can be submitted during the online application process. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. Alternatively, an appointment to pick up a paper application can be made by calling the City Manager's Office at 617-349-4300 or emailing fgaines@Cambridgema.gov. The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, April 3, 2023.

Page was posted on 3/6/2023 3:20 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:48 PM
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