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Cambridge Public Health Department to Award Up to $25,000 Toward Projects that Promote Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, or Youth Mental Health

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.


The Cambridge Public Health Department funds projects that promote healthy eating, physical activity, or youth mental health through its Health Promotion Mini-Grants Program.

Groups that can apply for the mini-grants include community organizations, schools, businesses, garden and farm programs, and government agencies that serve Cambridge.

The mini-grants are competitive. All applications are reviewed by representatives from the Cambridge Public Health Department and partner organizations.

Have a project that promotes healthy eating, physical activity or youth mental health? The Health Promotion Mini-Grant Program will award up to $25,000 in total funding in spring 2023.

The application deadline is April 4, 2023.

A project proposal must address one of the categories below and is only eligible for one type of mini-grant (i.e., healthy eating/physical activity or youth mental health) per funding cycle:

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity. $1,000 mini-grants are available for projects that promote healthy eating and/or physical activity in children and adults. Up to 13 projects will be funded. Last year’s winning projects included a bike giveaway event, cooking and gardening activities for children, outdoor adventure activities for youth, and a survey of food pantry clients.
See the full list of 2022 Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Mini-Grant Winners.

Youth Mental Health and Wellness. $2,000 mini-grants are available for projects that promote mental health and wellness in Cambridge youth, with a focus on youth age 12-18. Up to six projects will be funded. Last year’s winning projects included a stress reduction program for middle schoolers, mentoring for middle school camp counselors, and trauma training for adults who work with youth. See full list of 2022 Youth Mental Health Mini-Grant Winners.

All applicants are encouraged to read the grant guidelines, which include selection criteria and examples of potential projects. The application deadline is April 4, 2023.

Grant Guidelines

Healthy Eating/Physical Activity Project Guidelines

Youth Mental Health Project Guidelines


2023 Health Promotion Mini-Grant Application


2023 Health Promotion Mini-Grant Flyer

Page was posted on 3/21/2023 11:31 AM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:48 PM
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