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Survey To Be Issued to Businesses to Understand Impacts from Separated Bike Lane Installations

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.

The Cambridge Community Development Department’s Economic Opportunity and Development Division today announced it is conducting a study to collect relevant economic data relating to any potential business impacts from separated bike lane installation in commercial corridors. Later this week, Cambridge business owners will be receiving a letter in the mail with survey information.

The Economic Opportunity and Development Division is working with Volpe National Transportation Systems to conduct the Cycling Safety Ordinance Economic Impact Study, a request from a 2022 City Council Policy Order. A variety of data sets will be collected as part of the study, including those from the business survey. Additional data sets include employment data, vacancy data, and a customer survey.

Study Information Session
If members of the community are interested in learning more about this study, please join the Economic Opportunity and Development Division and Volpe National Transportation Systems staff for an Information Session on Monday, July 17, 2023 from 5-6 p.m. on Zoom. Participate by visiting: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/j/88092215254.

If you are business owner with questions about the survey or the status of your letter, please contact edd@cambridgema.gov.


Page was posted on 7/5/2023 3:38 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 9:49 PM
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