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Members Sought for the Cambridge American Freedmen Commission

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang is seeking persons interested in serving on the Cambridge American Freedmen Commission.  
This new Commission will explore historic and ongoing harms to the Cantabrigian descendants of enslaved people and determine appropriate reparations.  

Commissioners will also work together to design a strategy to: 

  • Investigate and report on any historical, systemic, and/or ongoing harms done to American Freedmen by the Federal, Massachusetts, and/or Cambridge governments and make recommendations to the City Manager and/or the City Manager's designee(s) concerning implementing sustainable solutions for transitional justice and prompt reparations for Cambridge Resident American Freedmen. 
  • Increase public awareness and understanding of the Commission's work and outcomes from investigations and research. 
  • Develop a community engagement strategy to engage community members across the City of Cambridge  
  • Collaborate with community organizations and coalitions to promote the advancement of the American Freedmen Commission. 
  • Perform further work as agreed upon by the City Manager and/or the City Manager's designee(s) and the Commission. 

While experience is not a requirement, a commitment to and an interest in principles of antiracism, equity, inclusion, autonomy, and dignity is required. Experience in community outreach and engagement, consensus building, and problem-solving is preferred. The City is committed to advancing a culture of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. All board and commission members in Cambridge must be able to participate in a collaborative process, consider diverse ideas and perspectives, and interact effectively with individuals and groups with various identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies. Women, persons of color, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.  

The Commission will consist of no less than nine and no more than fifteen members, of whom at least 85% self-identify as American Freedmen (persons freed from Chattel Slavery within the United States and their descendants).

The City Manager shall appoint the members of the Commission to serve for the following terms:  

  • One-third of members shall serve for a one-year term 
  • One-third of members shall serve for a two-year term 
  • One-third of members shall serve for a three-year term.  
  • After the initial terms, all members shall be appointed for a term of three years. 

American Freedmen Commission members will receive $3,000 per year as a stipend. This stipend is meant to offset the annual out-of-pocket costs that members might pay to make it possible to serve on the Planning Board, such as childcare, transportation, and other expenses. 

The members shall elect a Chairperson from among the members of the Commission. The Commission Chairperson shall be elected at the first meeting each year, and the members shall try to rotate the election of a Chairperson each year thereafter. 

Executive Director  
There shall be an Executive Director of the Commission whose selection and conditions of employment shall be determined by the City Manager with the advice of the Commission, subject to appropriation. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the administration of the Commission, shall attend Commission meetings, and shall not serve as a voting member of the Commission. 

Under the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, meetings are usually required to be in person. However, under the temporary Open Meeting Law provisions established during the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings can be held remotely.

Regular meetings shall be held monthly. The meeting schedule may be reassessed to accommodate the Commission’s work and needs identified.

The Commission Executive Director, shall convene the meetings. 

The Commission shall convene at the direction of the Chairperson. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Commonwealth's open meeting laws. The Commission's records shall be public except as provided by State law.  

How to Apply 
Individuals interested in being considered should apply using the City’s online application system at www.cambridgema.gov/apply and selecting “American Freedmen Commission” from the list of Current Vacancies. 

During the online application process, please submit a cover letter to explain why and résumé or summary of applicable experience can be submitted. Paper applications are available in the City Manager’s Office at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue. 

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, April 7, 2025.

If you have questions, please contact William Belt in the Cambridge Office of Equity and Inclusion at 617-349-7279 or wbelt@cambridgema.gov.

Page was posted on 3/17/2025 9:40 AM
Page was last modified on 3/17/2025 9:52 AM
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