8 locations around Cambridge
Install 8 bike repair stations with tools and bike pumps around the City for cyclists to quickly, easily, and freely fix routine bike problems. Locations include 2 libraries, 2 T stops, 3 parks (includes Inman Sq), and Fresh Pond Parkway.
With the increase in biking as a method of commuting and as a recreational activity, this is a civic project that will support bike use and a healthy lifestyle. Locations include:
- Alewife T stop area/Minuteman trail access
- Central Square library (see photo)
- East Cambridge - Valente Library, near Donnelly Field, Mother’s Gold Star Pool Berkshire/Cambridge Streets
- Inman Square - Vellucci Plaza
- Fresh Pond Parkway - entrance at community building
- Memorial Drive area, near Corporal Burns Park or Riverside neighborhood park
- North Point Park - near playground or park entrance
- Porter Square - across from T stop on Somerville Ave.
The City estimates that each repair station will cost $1,500.