Committee: Parks, Recreation, & Education
Cost: $260,000
Location: Danehy Park and 3 other parks
Short Description: Installing outdoor exercise equipment similar to the fitness stations along the Charles River in Boston at Danehy Park and three other Cambridge parks would provide a health benefit for the whole community.
Long Description:
Not everyone can afford to pay for monthly gym memberships. People in Cambridge need areas to get fit and to enjoy doing it. What is better than a free facility for all, especially one in the great outdoors? People can use outdoor exercise equipment any time and will reap health benefits, especially as they get older. Using outdoor exercise equipment will also help people de-stress after working long days.
Ideas were submitted to install outdoor exercise equipment at Danehy Park, Donnelly Field, Sennott Park, and Lowell Park. $50,000 is budgeted to replace the old equipment at Danehy Park. The remaining $210,000 is budgeted to install new equipment at three other parks. The exact parks and locations will be determined through a community process.
Outdoor exercise equipment near the Charles River in Boston: