Committee: Streetsmarts
Cost: $100,000
Location: Citywide – Crosswalks selected based on safety metrics.
Short Description:
Install five pedestrian-controlled flashing lights at high impact locations. Crosswalks without signals can be risky for pedestrians and confusing for both pedestrians and drivers.
Long Description:
Many crosswalks in the city are dangerous and confusing, especially in areas with higher traffic volumes and intersections with low visibility. This proposal would add pedestrian-controlled flashing lights to crosswalks at locations not controlled by traffic signals or stop signs. Locations will be selected based on safety metrics including the following factors:
- Crash history
- Number of travel lanes
- Proximity to schools, parks, and senior centers
Potential locations include: Broadway & Highland and Market & Columbia.
Pedestrian-controlled flashing crosswalk lights will alert drivers to the presence of a pedestrian waiting to cross, reducing the risk of accidents.