Committee: Streetsmarts
Cost: $90,000
Location: Streets around parks and schools
Short Description:
Improve road safety near parks and schools by installing 3 raised crosswalks to promote safe and respectful use of the streets by drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
Long Description:
Parks and schools are among the areas in our city that see the highest levels of foot and bike traffic. In the interests of making those areas as safe as possible and comfortably accessible to all, this proposal would construct a total of 3 raised crosswalks at key locations near parks and/or schools throughout the city that have been determined to be the least safe for pedestrians and bikers.
Potential park/school areas that will be considered as possible sites include:
The Walden St./Raymond St. intersection near Raymond Park in Neighborhood Nine
The intersection of Sixth St. and Hurley St. where people access Ahern Field, the playground next to it and Kennedy-Longfellow Elementary School in East Cambridge

Sixth Street and Hurley Street crosswalk