Vision Zero 3D Map
The Cambridge Vision Zero Story Map has been updated to include a new interactive 3D web scene.
Creatively Expanding the Urban Forest
In 2019, the City of Cambridge completed its Urban Forestry Master Plan. Since, the city has rebranded and taken action to upkeep the Urban Forestry Master Plan through programs such as Forest Friends and Water by Bike.
PB Cycle 10
The City of Cambridge launched the 10th Cycle of Participatory Budgeting and collected over 1,100 ideas from the community between September 11 – October 9, 2023, about how to spend $2 million on projects to improve Cambridge.
Draft Phosphorus Control Plan Now Available to Review
In accordance with the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, Cambridge is developing a Phosphorus Control Plan to address stormwater runoff to the Charles River. As part of the City’s stormwater program, Cambridge is working to reduce its current phosphorus loads to the Charles River through a combination of non-structural controls, like street cleaning, and structural controls, like tree box filters and rain gardens. Phase 1 of this plan must achieve the first 25% of the City’s phosphorus load reduction requirement by June 30, 2028.