Park Projects
Park projects and planning efforts currently underway or recently completed.
City of Cambridge Announces Increased Investment and Launch of 10th Participatory Budgeting Process
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process that empowers community members to help decide how to spend part of a public budget. The City will allocate a record-high $2 million for this year’s process, which doubles the previous budget of $1 million. The PB outreach team will be collecting ideas from the Cambridge community through direct outreach in public spaces and at public events Sept. 11-Oct. 9, 2023.
Porter Square Redesign Project
Porter Square Redesign Project included reconfiguration of the main intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Somerville Avenue, reconstruction of the sidewalks, upgrading of lighting and the addition of new pedestrian crossings and bicycle facilities.
Shop Locally This Holiday Season
This holiday season, Cambridge partners with local businesses and business associations to encourage residents and visitors to shop local.
Cambridge Arts: A Look At 2023 In Photos
Thank you for joining us in bringing such creativity, joy, satisfaction and community engagement to Cambridge throughout 2023. And we can't wait for you to see what we have in store for 2024, the 50th anniversary year for Cambridge Arts as the City’s leading arts agency.