Tree Hearing
Removal of Public Shade Trees
City of Cambridge, Department of Public Works
3D Data Updates
Cambridge 3D Building, Bridges and Trees have been updated.
3D Solar Tree Rating
GIS and DPW have a new Cambridge 3D web scene showing solar rating for individual street trees
Cambridge Plants 475 Trees with Finished Compost from Yard Waste Program
The City of Cambridge and its yard waste collection contractor, Save That Stuff, have partnered to incorporate composted yard waste into the soil for new tree plantings in Cambridge. The pilot project is another step forward in creating a more circular economy while supporting the city’s goals of increasing the tree canopy.
Urban Forestry
The Urban Forestry Division is responsible for implementing a program of arboriculture for over 19,000 of Cambridge's public trees.
Tree Scavenger Hunt
Join us for a look at some of our trees in Kingsley Park and learn how to tell them apart in the winter based on buds, bark, and branching patterns.