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Flick Your Wrist

Frisbee Dog

Ages: 8+

What can you make your frisbee do?

Download the Flying Disc Fun Activity (PDF) and test out each idea on the data sheet!
Keep track of your observations.



  •  A Frisbee or flying disc

Don't have a Frisbee or flying disc? Make your own!

This activity supports the practice of these STEAM Habits of Mind: Engage & Persist, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore.

Tips for Supporting Your Children's Learning

Get your child actively involved in their own learning and have their questions drive their learning. Let them observe and figure it out, and try to hold back from answering questions for them. Instead, try to ask: What do we know? What else can we find out? How might we figure that out? Don't be afraid to ask your child questions. Also, don't be afraid to say, "I don't know--let's find out together!" as a way to respond to their questions.

More Activities

Want to learn more about how Frisbees fly?

More hands-on activities and learning opportunities:

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