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Map with Main street from Broadway to the Longfellow Bridge highlighted.

Eastbound Main Street Project

Project Complete: Installed Fall 2019

This page is no longer regularly updated. 

In fall 2019, Cambridge installed a quick-build separated bike lane on Main Street between Broadway and the Longfellow Bridge, connecting people biking from Kendall Square to Boston. This project installed a separated bike lane on the eastbound side of the street -- heading toward the Longfellow Bridge. We used pavement markings, flex posts, and new signage to add a separated bike facility without digging into the ground.

Cambridge worked with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to make these changes both on the city-owned portion of Main Street and the state-owned portion, leading up to and onto the Longfellow Bridge.


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This project installed separated bike facilities on the eastbound (Boston-bound) side of Main Street, between Broadway and Longfellow Bridge. Changes included:

  • New pavement markings on the Memorial Drive interchange ramps and the first segment of Longfellow Bridge
  • Removing a general travel lane between Third Street and Memorial Drive to create room for a separated bike lane with flex posts in the buffer.
  • Maintaining access to Main Street buildings' existing loading docks and parking areas 
  • Highlighting potential areas of conflict between bikes and vehicles with green pavement markings

Changes were installed on weekends in October/early November 2019. 

Page was posted on 4/30/2019 9:44 AM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 10:21 PM
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