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South Mass Ave Corridor Safety IMprovements

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 6 years ago.

Installation of the South Massachusetts Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements Project is scheduled to begin late October 2018 and last approximately two weeks, weather permitting. Some of the final pavement markings, along with a new crosswalk, will be completed in spring 2019.

Work will be accomplished mostly through "quick-build" methods such as re-striping, signal re-timing, signage and installation of materials like flexible posts. The project will include the following changes to increase safety and access on south Massachusetts Avenue:

  • Signal timing for greater protection at intersections for all users
  • New pedestrian crosswalk (installation spring 2019)
  • Separated bicycle lanes
  • Sections of bus lanes toward Memorial Drive
  • New loading zones and pick-up/drop-off zones

Parking Changes

Most parking spaces will move out from the curb as marked on the street; note that meters will remain on the sidewalk. Drivers are reminded to please not stop or park in the bike lanes.

Bus Lanes

Sections of red painted lanes will be marked for buses only. Car drivers may only go into these lanes to turn right or access parking.


In 2016 the Cambridge City Council adopted a Vision Zero policy, with a goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries, as well as a Complete Streets Policy, committing to enabling people of all ages and abilities to travel safely and comfortably by sustainable transportation modes. Aligned with these commitments, the City is undertaking this project to improve safety and support active and sustainable transportation. Project goals are to:

  • Address safety issues and reduce crashes
  • Reduce transit delays
  • Enable/encourage people of all ages and abilities to choose sustainable transportation

More Information

For more information, visit the project webpage or contact Bill Deignan, Transportation Program Manager, wdeignan@cambridgema.gov, 617.349.4632.

Page was posted on 10/26/2018 1:31 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:54 AM
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