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Lost or Found Pets

The Cambridge Animal Control aims to reunite lost pets with their owners. If you find a lost dog or cat, please report it to the city or town where you found the animal. The pet will be held for a minimum of seven days, as required by the state.

Call the Cambridge Animal Commission immediately at 617-349-4376. If you get a voicemail, please leave your name, phone number, address, and dog’s description. We will return your call as soon as possible. 

If this occurs during off-hours/holidays, please call Cambridge Police at 617-349-3300. They will have a list of dogs picked up and placed safely in our kennel. You will be able to claim your dog on the next business morning. 

Any found dog or cat must be reported to the city or town where the animal was found and will be held for the state's mandatory minimum of seven days.

All attempts to reunite the animal with its owner will be made. If we cannot locate an owner the animal will be placed in a local shelter or rescue for adoption.

Cambridge Animal Control WILL NOT immediately euthanize a found animal.

Below are resources for lost and found animals:

Lost or Found Cats

Many people see cats outside and are uncertain if they are homeless. There are no state or city ordinances stating that cats must be kept indoors. If you believe that a cat is lost, sick, or injured, please call the city or town animal control where you found the cat and file a report.


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