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Displaying 1-11 of 11 results
Service Department

Planning an Event in the City

Permits are required if you plan to host an event on City property

Public Works617-349-4800

Apply for Dumpster License

Dumpster Licenses are required in the City of Cambridge and are issued by the Inspectional Services Department.

Inspectional Services617-349-6100

Building Permits

Anyone seeking to construct, alter, repair, or demolish a structure must first obtain a building permit. The building permit must be obtained before the start of any work and prominently posted at the job site.

Inspectional Services617-349-6100

Food Truck Vending

Food trucks are an important and growing part of the Cambridge food businesses economy. Food trucks offer new food businesses a relatively low-cost opportunity for testing menu items, building brand awareness, and growing a loyal customer base.

Community Development617-349-4600

Garage, Flammables, or Garage with Flammables License

Garage, Flammables or Garage with Flammables Licenses are issued by the Cambridge License Commission.

License Commission617-349-6140

Pay or View Bill Online

Pay or View real estate, motor vehicle excise, personal property, water bills, Municipal Lien Certificates, and Vital records online.



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City Manager's Office617-349-4300

Temporary Disability Parking Permit Program

The Temporary Disability Parking Permit program affords Cambridge residents with disabilities equal opportunities to avail themselves of public parking facilities and on-street parking throughout the City of Cambridge.

Human Service Programs617-349-6200

Towed Vehicle Lookup

You may look up a recently towed vehicle by searching our online database.

Cambridge Police617-349-3300

Transportation License

The City of Cambridge issues a number of transportation related licenses: Hackney Licenses (Taxi Cab), Jitney Permits, Letting of Motor Vehicle Licenses (Vehicle Rental businesses), Livery/Limousine Licenses and Used Car Dealer Class I, II, III.

License Commission617-349-6140

Variance or Special Permit

Some uses and/or developments of real property may require relief from the Board of Zoning Appeal (BZA).

Inspectional Services617-349-6100
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