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Local Business owners

Small Business Assistance

Community Development

Small businesses are an important part of Cambridge’s diverse and thriving economy. To support and promote current small business owners and aspiring local entrepreneurs, the Community Development Department’s economic development division offers a variety of programs, workshops, grants, and resources.

Tips and FAQs

The City offers both financial and technical assistance to Cambridge-based businesses through the following grant programs:

  • The Storefront Improvement Program provides funds for renovating or restoring commercial building exterior facades and making ADA improvements to improve accessibility.
  • The Retail Interior Accessibility Program provides financial assistance to business owners seeking to renovate or improve the interior of their commercial buildings to make their business more accessible to those who are sensory and/or physically disabled.
  • The Small Business Coaching Program provides established business owners with one-on-one coaching services with experts in the fields of interior design, restaurant management, marketing, and legal services.
Page was posted on 5/8/2018 6:06 PM
Page was last modified on 7/24/2023 8:07 PM
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