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The City Council, the policy setting arm of the City, derives its powers from the Cambridge Municipal Code (City Charter) and the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The City Council authorizes public improvements and expenditures, adopts regulations and ordinances, establishes financial policies and performs many related legislative tasks.

Virtual Meeting Attendance

Members of the Public are invited to attend, watch, and/or participate in Regular and Special Meetings of the Cambridge City Council through the following 3 platforms:

1. View on Cambridge Municipal Television Channel. Tune in to Cable Channel 22 locally to watch meetings on your television.

2. Stream Live through the Open Meeting Portal.
Navigate to the meeting you wish to view and click on "video" to begin the live stream.

3. Watch/Participate Virtually through Zoom Teleconferencing
. Just follow the appropriate link below:

City Council Meetings  
To use Zoom via phone-only, dial a number based on your current location:
US: 312-626-6799 or 929-436-2866 or 301-715-8592 or 346-248-7799 or 669-900-6833 or
Webinar ID: 978 9584 7144

Committee Hearings
To use Zoom via phone-only, dial a number based on your current location:
US: 312-626-6799 or 929-436-2866 or 301-715-8592 or 346-248-7799 or 669-900-6833 or
Webinar ID: 978 9584 7144

Registration is Required in Order to Speak during Public Comment: 

Registration begins at 9 a.m. on the Friday before the meeting.
Follow the link here for Public Comment to register to speak.

Speakers will be prompted to enter their first and last name when signing into Zoom.
Please use the same name you signed up to speak with in order to be unmuted by the moderator during public comment.


For more information regarding Zoom technology, visit: https://www.cambridgema.gov/Departments/citycouncil/zoomonlinemeetinginstructions

Upcoming City Council Meetings

Tips and FAQs

The City Council, the policy setting arm of the City, derives its powers from the City charter and the laws and Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It authorizes public improvements and expenditures, adopts regulations and ordinances, levies taxes, controls the finances and property taxes of the City, and performs many related legislative tasks.

The City Council is elected at-large by the proportional representation electoral process. Upon organization of each new Council, the members elect a Mayor and a Vice-Mayor, with the Mayor serving as the Council's chief legislative officer. The Council organizes into committees, which have become increasingly active over the past few years, providing much of the research and legislative analysis on major policy issues before the Council.

The City Council meets regularly on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. from the first Monday in January to and including the last Monday in June, and from the second Monday in September to and including the last Monday in December in the Sullivan Chamber on the second floor of City Hall. Approximately one meeting each month is scheduled as an informal roundtable discussion meeting at which no votes are taken. Business meetings are televised live on 22-CityView, the Municipal Channel, and rebroadcast on Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. and Friday at 10 a.m. They are also live streamed on the Open Meeting Portal.

The City Council's regular business meetings are conducted in accordance with the City Council Rules.  The City Council meeting agenda is generally posted online by 5:30 p.m. on the Thursday before the meeting on the City Council Open Meeting Portal. Copies of the agenda are generally available between 10 a.m. and Noon on Fridays at the City Clerk's Office. Please note that City Hall closes at Noon on Fridays.

Members of the public may speak at the public comment section of the scheduled business meeting for up to three minutes on any matter that is being considered by the City Council for action at that meeting (the public may not speak on items in the communications section of the agenda during public comment). You may sign up to speak by calling the City Council Office at 617-349-4280 on Mondays between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., or by signing up at the meeting between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

To have an item placed on the City Council agenda for action at the meeting, contact a City Councillor to request that he or she submit an order or resolution to the City Clerk to be placed on the agenda. If you wish to submit written comments for a meeting, please read the instructions for submitting written comments.

The agenda is also the way to send a letter to the City Council that will become part of the formal record of City Council proceedings. The letter should be addressed to the City Council, care of the City Clerk. The City Clerk will place all new communications on the agenda for the next regular City Council business meeting. Such letters, if they are about issues that are not otherwise on the Council's business agenda, are not considered part of the action agenda for that meeting, and thus, public comment on these communications is out of order.

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Service Requests

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