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Inspectional Services

Aerial photo of Kendall Square

The Inspectional Services Department (ISD) is responsible for the enforcement all laws and related City ordinances that pertain to the Massachusetts State Building Code and certain articles of the State Sanitary Code.

Note: State Law requires registration of Short-Term Rentals and payment of State Excise Tax

The 10th edition of the MA State Building Code became effective on October 11, 2024

The 9th Edition of the Building Code will apply concurrently with the 10th Edition for the remainder of 2024. Building permit applications for projects utilizing the 9th Edition must be filed on or before December 31, 2024. Only complete applications, containing all required documents, will be considered for review under the 9th edition prior to January 1, 2025.
Applications received on or after Jan. 1, 2025, must be based on the 10th edition.  Learn more
City's Rodent Control Program Offers Free Exterior Services to Residential Properties with Four or Less Units. Learn more
Fossil Fuel-Free Ordinance Requires New Construction/Major Renovation to be Fossil Fuel-Free. Learn more

ISD Counter Hours:

Morning Sessions
Monday - Thursday: 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Afternoon Sessions
Monday: 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.


Tips and FAQs

Inspectional Services Department record room is located on the lower level at 831 Massachusetts Avenue. Contact email jrosario@cambridgema.gov

Record room is open:
  • Monday 7am - 11:30am, 12:30pm - 6pm
  • Tuesday to  Thursday: 7:00am - 3:30pm
  • Friday: 7:00am - 11:00am
All available records of BZA decisions; building, plumbing and electrical permits issued; plans submitted at time of application or completion of work: restaurant inspections; housing inspections; certificates of occupancy and certificates of inspection are stored in the records room.
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Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.