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Early Childhood Educators
Initiatives Supporting & Inspiring Early Educators
This December, applications will open for the Cambridge Preschool Program (CPP), a joint initiative of the City and Cambridge Public Schools, which will offer free school-day, school-year preschool to every 4-year-old in Cambridge and some 3-year-olds.
Picture of the 911 Call Center Clinician
New Role Integrates a Mental Health Professional with Dispatchers
In 2023, the City of Cambridge designated a new position within the Emergency Communications Department; a 911 Call Center Clinician. This is a new, unique public safety position as it places a mental health professional directly inside the Emergency Communications Center (ECC) alongside dispatchers.
City Hall Rainbow Bench
Cambridge Anti-Racism, Equity & Inclusion Initiative
This community’s racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity shapes Cambridge and is what makes it a desirable and enriching place to live, work, and raise a family. In order to best serve the Cambridge community, the City must take an inclusive and equitable approach to address residents' needs.
Cambridge Community Learning Center Class
Educational Support and Workforce Development
The Birth to 3rd Grade Partnership (B3), continued its scholarship program for 3 and 4 year-olds from low-income families, adding two new programs to its menu of preschool options, and also increased its number of children accessing B3 scholarships by 13%.
Crews filling a pothole
Cambridge Offers New Apprenticeship Program
The Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) will collaborate to identify residents interested in committing to one to two-year paid apprenticeships.
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