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STEAM@Home Activities

Are you interested in fun and engaging STEAM activities that can be safely done in your living room, in the classroom, or out in the community? From math games, to nature observations, to science experiments and design challenges, the activities below support STEAM Habits of Mind. Each activity tile links to directions, supplies, and tips that support STEAM learning.

Age Range
Achi Math Game
Learn how to play a game similar to tic-tac-toe!
8 - 13
Backyard Birding
Explore local birds in their natural habitat - in your neighborhood and beyond!
Make Your Own Basketball Hoop
Create and design your own hoop at home!
Chalk Your Walk
Enjoy a creative and fun public art form that can help you connect your community!
Exploring Bubbles
Observe, experiment, and explore bubbles!
3 -10
Flick Your Wrist
Experiment with frisbee throws!
Grocery Gardening with City Sprouts
Learn how to grow your groceries from seeds!
4 - 13
Sink or Float Science
Experiment, observe, and explore objects that sink or float!
Sound Games
Gather household objects and make some noise at home!
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