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Photograph of numerous people sitting in a sunny park with a sculpture in the background

Urban Form

The city is home to a vibrant mix of architectural styles, as well as unique commercial districts and corridors. This makes Cambridge an exciting and pleasant place to live, work, learn, and play. Additionally, a strong economy means that some areas of the city are undergoing change. These include the major squares and mixed-use corridors, as well as formerly industrial districts, and areas next to parkways and institutions. Cambridge works with developers to provide community benefits and ensure that the urban form of new districts advances the community’s values and complements existing neighborhoods.

Envision indicators are updated as new data becomes available, which varies by indicator, but no more often than annually.

View the Urban Form Plan

Key Actions

StrategyRevise the development review process to create predictable outcomes without compromising design quality.
Core Values
  • Community Health & Wellbeing
  • Economic Opportunity
  • Equity & Diversity
  • Livability
  • Sustainability & Resilience
Action TypeOther regulatory changes
Lead DepartmentCDD

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Cumulative percent of new housing units within a 0.5-mile walk to an MBTA subway station

Needs improvement

New development density is best suited for places well-served by urban amenities such as transit. This indicator tracks whether housing development in Cambridge is distributed in areas with a high concentration of urban amenities, using transit as a proxy.

Source: Housing Starts data from CDD
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Percent of new commercial gross floor area within a 0.5-mile walk to an MBTA subway station

Exceeding target

New development density is best suited for places well-served by urban amenities such as transit. This indicator tracks whether commercial development in Cambridge is distributed in areas with a high concentration of urban amenities, using transit as a proxy.

Source: Development Log data from CDD
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Population in proximity to park types

Needs improvement

Cambridge has many high-quality open spaces, serving different needs for people at different times. Through this indicator, Cambridge will track whether the community has access to several kinds of park uses, increasing the likelihood that they can find a nearby open space that serves their needs. This metric uses a revised standard introduced by the Open Space Needs Assessment.

Source: Park Types from CDD Open Space Needs Assessment; Population from 2010 and 2020 Census, Annual Housing Starts data from CDD
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Tree canopy over streets and sidewalks


The tree canopy covering our streets and sidewalks has a significant impact on the comfort of pedestrians, as well as the public health, sustainability, resilience, visual appeal, and livability of the city as a whole. This indicator will track street trees’ contribution to creating a more healthy, resilient, and pleasant environment by measuring the amount of roadway area that is under the tree canopy.

Source: University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Laboratory in collaboration with City of Cambridge; Cambridge Assessing Department
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Percent of survey respondents that rate Cambridge's overall appearance as good or excellent.

Meeting target

Most people have an intuitive understanding of what makes the design of a city great, whether or not they have formal design training. Of course, reasonable people can disagree on designs they like. Nonetheless, this indicator tracks Cambridge’s progress in building a city that people find aesthetically pleasing overall.

The chart shows the percent of survey respondents that rate Cambridge's overall appearance as "good" or "excellent" (survey responses collected by calls to randomly selected Cambridge phone numbers).

Source: City Manager's Biennial Survey
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Acres of publicly owned open space


As Cambridge grows, it is imperative that the amount of open space relative to the number of people remains at a healthy level. This indicator tracks the amount of space. Though privately owned public spaces are also an important component of Cambridge’s open space inventory, this indicator specifically tracks the amount of publicly owned open space.

The chart shows the total acreage of publicly-owned open space in Cambridge over time.

Source: CDD GIS land use data
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