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License Commission

Photo of Harvard Square

Ban on Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers to Protect Health and Environment Goes in Effect 3-15-25


Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023 adopted by Massachusetts General Court and approved by the Governor, all meetings of the Board of License Commissioners and Pole and Conduit Commission are held remotely via Zoom.  Public webinar links are created and posted so the public can access the meetings.  As previously accustomed by the Department, full audio recordings of the meetings are posted on the minutes page (along with the minutes of the meetings once approved).

Please note, Applications to the Board of License Commissioners and Pole & Conduit Commission may continue to be submitted through the online permitting, licensing and renewal system, https://cambridgema.portal.opengov.com/.


The License Commission has transitioned to a new online permitting, licensing and renewal system, https://cambridgema.portal.opengov.com/. To apply new, renew, make changes to an existing license, or login to access your current records please go to: https://cambridgema.portal.opengov.com/.


The Cambridge License Commission, which is a three person Board, is responsible for issuing licenses/permits and enforcing rules, regulations, local ordinances and state laws that regulate the service and sale of alcoholic beverages, operation of restaurants, hotels and lodging houses, indoor and outdoor entertainment, hackney drivers and vehicles, parking lots and garages, flammables, peddlers, fortune tellers, second hand goods stores, letting and sale of motor vehicles, commercial leaf blower operators and one day licenses for alcohol and/or entertainment.  The Department also manages the Pole and Conduit Commission and enforces the Noise Control Ordinance.


Our goal is to ensure all licensed or permitted businesses operate in a manner that protect the public safety and serve the common good.  We strive to provide professional and streamlined services, as well as excellent customer service.  Our Inspectors and Hackney Officers conduct inspections to ensure proper operating practices and hold disciplinary hearings when appropriate to ensure accountability.  We foster partnerships with licensees, residents, neighborhood organizations and policymakers to encourage successful endeavors.


The License Commission is comprised of the Chairperson, Nicole Murati Ferrer, and two other Commissioners -- the Cambridge Fire Chief and Police Commissioner. 
The Pole and Conduit Commission is comprised of the Chairperson, Nicole Murati Ferrer, Commissioner Terrence James Shea, Superintendent of Streets, and Commissioner Mark Melo, City Electrician.   

How We Review Applications

Many types of businesses need to be licensed by the Cambridge License Commission before they are able to conduct business within the City of Cambridge. Find out whether you need a license/permit from us:

Alcohol License - Retail On and Off Premise

Common Victualer

Entertainment License

Innholder and Lodging House Licenses                    

Hackney License

Garage and Flammables

Pole Conduit Permits                                

Other Licenses

One-Day Licenses

Transportation Licenses

Shops and Sales Licenses                                      

Whenever you apply for a license/permit, the Board of License Commissioners may hold a hearing to decide whether the license will be granted. The Board holds meetings, which are open to the public, every month, check the hearing schedule to find out when the next hearing is. Learn more about our hearings below.

What Happens at Public Hearings

The Cambridge License Commission holds General Public Hearing at least twice monthly. At the General Public Hearing we hold hearings for license violations, hearings for businesses who are petitioning for a license, permits for one-day licenses and administrative matters.  

Search our Public Calendar for License Commission hearings. Agenda will be posted no later than 48 hours prior to a hearing.
Scheduled items are tentative prior to posting of an official Agenda or Hearing Notice. Refer to the posted Agenda for a full list of scheduled items.
Please check the agenda for the time and location of particular meetings.

Please note: All One-Day Application must be submitted to the Commission by the Thursday two weeks preceding the event. Applications can be filed online. The application must be filled out completely, and bear the applicant’s signature and that of the Police Commissioner’s or designee when submitted. 
We'll let you know when to expect the hearing when you apply.

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Service Requests

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